Tag: webmention

  • Announcing Whim, a Webmention multitool (June 23, 2020)

    I have released Whim, a command-line program for working with webmentions: those multi-purpose messages whose potential to transform the web has fascinated me for years.

  • Webmentions, active and passive (April 5, 2020)

    An overview of two major use-case types for Webmention: passive commentary on other posts, and active requests for other websites to respond.

  • How to post replies to Fogknife articles (August 4, 2019)

    Fogknife accepts and publishes article replies via Webmention. I offer a few ways to post replies even if you don't know what that means.

  • Two RSS experiments for June 2019 (June 3, 2019)

    Kicks Condor and Giles Turnbull are doing a couple interesting things with RSS this month.

  • Rejecting the “Post-web era” while embracing The Future (August 31, 2018)

    My response to Nick Montfort's recent article asserting that the era of the open web as the main platform for digital writing has forever passed.

  • State of the Plerd, 2018 (August 19, 2018)

    Over the past year I've introduced webmention support to Plerd, my static blogging engine. It, and related technologies, will remain the focus of new Plerd development for many months to come.