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Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, the digital arts nonprofit I help run, has paid opportunities for software engineers interested in leading two specific IF infrastructure projects:
IFTF’s Twine Committee seeks a successor to, a privately run but publicly accessible showcase of Twine work that had to stop accepting new uploads some time ago. IFTF will fund both the creation and ongoing server costs of this successor program.
Here is the Replacement project specification. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2020.
IF Archive, the since-1992 central repository of all things IF, wants an upgrade that would make playing games right off the archive’s own website easier.
Here is the IF Archive Play-on-Site project RFP. Its application deadline is April 30, 2020.
These are great freelance opportunities for technically inclined folks who want to help the services behind the sharing and study of interactive fiction. In both cases, IFTF plans to raise the funds needed to cover the costs named in the accepted proposal.
If either of these RFPs spark your interest and imagination, please do apply by the appropriate deadline — and feel free to contact IFTF with any questions in the meantime.
Next post: Webmentions, active and passive
Previous post: Dispatch from locked-down New York, March 2020
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